Yoga Classes

Drop in or ask for a specific class plan

With a maximum of 8 students the classes have a personal feel. The focus of the class will vary depending on the group and it maybe a dynamic flowing approach, a slower gentler class, restorative or to address a particular bodymind challenge. Sessions are also held in the garden or nature when appropriate.

Classes are taught in English with a little Italian where required. If you wish to arrange a class for your own group, please call or email to explain your requirements. 


Example Classes - 75 minutes

Energy boosting yoga
Yoga for runners / bikers / hikers / sailors
Yoga for backs
Destress, revitalise, reboot
Yoga - Nature - You
Astanga Yoga


current timetable

4 week course - information soon
Weekend course - information soon


Yoga Therapy

1-2-1 specialist approach

Yoga therapy uses the tools of yoga in a specific way to address challenges physically, mentally or energetically and approaches your individual wellbeing from a very holistic and integrated view. Techniques can include asana poses, mindfulness and meditation, breathing and energy practices. Sessions include an initial consultation and takeaway crib notes helping design a home practice should you wish and practical ways to bring your new focus into your daily life. 


yoga therapy can help with 

Stress, anxiety, depression
Confidence, focus, discipline
Physical issues e.g. back, knee, shoulder problems
Specific illness e.g. Parkinson Disease, ME, MS
'Mystery' illness, feeling out of balance
Chronic pain
Weight and wellness

This is not an exhaustive list so please contact if you would like to find out more for your specific needs.

price 50 euro.
90 minutes (1st- 105min)